With a vision and mission deeply rooted in our history, Thandanani Children’s Foundation is dedicated to transforming the lives of children and youth living in adversity.
For over three decades, we have facilitated comprehensive support, nurturing environments, and sustainable opportunities to improve the lives of vulnerable children and youth in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Through our holistic approach, we seek to break cycles of poverty and adversity by creating opportunities for personal growth, enriched family life, improved educational outcomes, and sustainable livelihoods as we build stronger, more vibrant, families and communities where children are loved, nurtured and protected and youth are supported in pursuing their dreams.
We invite you to join us on this incredible journey and, together, let’s build a society where every child thrives.
Founded in 1989, Thandanani is dedicated to transforming the lives of children and youth living in adversity through a well-established system of community-based Fieldworker teams equipped to deliver a comprehensive range of interrelated services, activities, and programmes all aimed at enhancing the material, physical, cognitive and emotional well-being of children and youth living in the communities in which we work.
Over the years Thandanani has developed extensive experience in the implementation of a variety of child and youth-focused services, activities, and programmes. These include:
Economic Empowerment
Community-based Savings & Loan Groups (SHGs)
Micro-enterprise Development Programmes (Youth)
Local Market Development Initiatives
Home-based Food Garden Development & Support
Document & Grant Access
Material Relief in Emergency Situations
Health Education, Screening & Testing Services (including for malnutrition, HIV & TB)
First 1000 Days Programmes
SRH Awareness Programmes & Health Days
Community Mobilisations for Health Service up-take
Vitamin Distributions
Condom Distributions
Community Access & logistical support for Health-Related Research
Cognitive Development
Home-Based Early Childhood Development Programmes
The Support of Early Learning Centres / Crèches
School Attendance & Performance Monitoring
School Uniform Distributions
Despite South Africa’s transition to democracy; poverty, inequality, and HIV/AIDS continue to dominate the lives of millions of South African children & youth.
In KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa:
- 65% of all children live in poverty
- 23% live in overcrowded households
- 36% live in households where no adults are employed
- 11% lack regular meals
- 16% have lost either one or both of their parents
- 2% are HIV positive
- 49% of youth (20 to 24) have completed Grade 12
- 5% have some form of tertiary qualification
- 65% are unemployed or discouraged work seekers
- 49% are not in any form of education, employment or training
- 58% have at least one child of their own

Children and youth growing up in these circumstances face immense challenges that undermine their well-being, development and future prospects. These include:
Through our various projects and activities, Thandanani seeks to break cycles of poverty & adversity by building stronger, more vibrant, families and communities where children are loved, nurtured and protected and youth are supported in pursuing their dreams.
Early Childhood Development
Our Home-based ECD Programme
teaches basic child developmental principles; engages Caregivers around the importance of stimulating learning in young children; and capacitates them with simple techniques to engage children through intentional play using everyday objects and toys made from waste materials.
In this way, Thandanani promotes an understanding of basic early childhood development and its importance; and fosters a culture of intentional engagement between Caregivers and children.
Since April 2015, 1002 children and
696 Caregivers have completed this programme.
Our Family Strengthening Programme
supports and strengthens under-resourced families caring for vulnerable children & youth.
The project involves community-based Fieldworker teams delivering a holistic package of interrelated services and activities to each of the families assigned to their care.
This package of services is designed to systematically address basic material, physical, cognitive & emotional needs and move the family from a state of vulnerability to increased stability and self-reliance over a three year period.
Once families are stable and can provide for the basic needs of the children in their care, they exit our system and function independently of our support.
This movement of households through our system ensures that families do not become dependent and that Thandanani itself can take on new households without creating an unsustainable demand on our capacity and resources.
Since April 2007, Thandanani has provided support to 17,965 beneficiaries across 2,937 households through this programme.
Our Zenzele
combines personal development; sexual reproductive health; & micro-enterprise development; into an integrated intervention that empowers youth to identify and begin to address some of the barriers they experience in being able to break the cycle of poverty & adversity that entraps them.
One of the critical ways we do this is by supporting youth in the financing and establishment of Micro-enterprises and the hosting of local market days where they sell their goods and services within their local community.
We currently have 25 young entrepreneurs generating income through this programme.
Family Strengthening
Since April 2007
Thandanani has provided support to 17,965 beneficiaries across 2,937 households through our Family Strengthening Programme.
9456 Children
2937 Caregivers
5572 Family Members
Since April 2012
Thandanani has provided health education to 95,239 community members and has screened and tested 55,356 of these for HIV & TB.
Early Childhood Development
Since April 2015
696 Caregivers and
1002 children have completed our Home-Based ECD Programme.
Youth Empowerment
Since June 2022
35 youth have participated in our Zenzele Youth Academy where they received input on personal development; sexual reproductive health; & micro-enterprise development.
Of these, 25 have been provided finance to start micro-enterprises and are currently generating income for themselves through these enterprises.
On the most vulnerable and marginalised
On the best interests & well-being of the child
On meaningfully realising the rights of the child
On holistic development & empowerment
To meaningful collaboration and partnership
To excellence & efficiency in service delivery
To good governance and fiscal prudence
To effective monitoring, evaluation & research
To responsive & informed programming
To accountability and transparency through regular & detailed reporting
Our long history & experience working within the Children’s Sector
Our knowledge of the communities in which we work & our understanding of contextual dynamics
Our responsiveness to identified needs & the adaptability of our programmes & activities
The holistic nature of our interventions
Our visible impact & the recognition of this impact by others
The trust of beneficiaries and community members
Our network of community-based fieldworkers
The cost-effectiveness and replicability of our model
Our commitment to do what we say we are going to do
Our detailed reporting & our responsiveness to feedback
Our ability to attract and maintain positive and ongoing partnerships with donors

become a champion 4Kids
by making a regular contribution in support of our work with children & youth
Set up a recurring donation by clicking one of the buttons below
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You can also make a once off donation by clicking one of the buttons below
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All donations from South African tax payers are tax-deductible
We will send you a Section 18A certificate reflecting your contributions in support of our work in May each year
We use Payfast’s secure payment gateway for all transactions.
+27 (0)33 345 1857
Section 21: 2002/005186/08 | Non-Profit Organisation: 006-136NPO